Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Disable All Diagnostic Information on your mobile (Android)

In my last post, you have seen how to disable Location History completely. 
In this post I will show you how to disable all the diagnostic logging across Google apps which in turn save you a lot of battery and make our planet less warmer.

There are lot of apps in your Android which might be recording lot of diagnostic information, though the apps are unlimited on play store doing this, however I will keep this list minimal.

Disable all Diagnostic Logging

Most surprising thing here is that most of the settings are enabled by default in most of the apps. You may or may not disable these settings, but there are reasons why you want to do that.
  1. Saves Battery, these tiny settings on different different apps can save you lot of battery and keep your mobile battery healthier.
  2. Privacy, it is a biggest concern you might have:
    1. Do you know what data is being uploaded ?
    2. Your data is stored by so many apps to hundreds of servers across the globe by each app.
    3. Despite lot of privacy rules like GDPR, still there are apps who refused to delete your account. 
  3. End User not as a subject, a mobile user should be an end user rather than interest for studies.


  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open Chrome > Settings Privacy.
  2. Disable Security Reports "Automatically send some system information and page content to Google to help detect dangerous apps and sites".
  3. Tap Usage and crash reports "Automatically send usage statistics and crash reports to Google".
  4. Turn off.


  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open Hangouts > Settings.
  2. Tap your Account, do this for all the accounts shown.
  3. Under Improve Hangouts "Report additional diagnostics to help improve Hangouts".
  4. Turn off.


  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open Maps > Settings.
  2. Tap Commute settings.
  3. Disable Get commute notifications "Know about delays and disruptions before you go".
  4. Disable Get more accurate commute info "Let Maps improve your commute times accuracy by using your Location History".

Sky Map

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open Sky Map > Settings.
  2. Disable Send usage statistics "Make Sky Map better by sending anonymous data to Google Analytics".


  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open Translate > Settings.
  2. Tap Data usage.
  3. Disable Improve camera input "Let Google retain images for use in product improvement".


  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open Settings > Languages & input.
  2. Tap Virtual keyboard > Gboard. This will open Gboard settings.
  3. Tap Advanced.
  4. Under Improve Gboard.
  5. Disable Share usage statistics "Automatically send keyboard usage statistics to Google".
  6. Disable Share snippets  "Automatically share snippets of what and how you type in Google apps to improve Gboard".
  7. You may have locate the Gboard settings in your mobile.

Google Indic Keyboard settings

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open Settings > Languages & input.
  2. Tap Virtual keyboard > Google Indic Keyboard. This will open keyboard settings.
  3. Tap Others.
  4. Disable Send usage statistics.

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